I can't believe that my baby is 8yrs old. Time flies! I guess I should have listened to the old ladies at the grocery store who kept telling me that time would fly by. I of course was half listening to their words of wisdom because my babies were usually screaming or crying at the time that they were sharing this information and all I could think in my mind was "time can't fly fast enough for me right now!!" Ryland has been looking forward to his birthday since October, when Nathan and Brayden celebrate their birthdays. He was so excited to have all the attention,(not like he is ever hurting for attention normally but I guess this is attention with presents so it's different). He celebrated his birthday with a party on Saturday the 27th and on Sunday(his actual birthday)with the family. The phone rang non-stop with birthday wishes from the family. He was so excited to hear from everyone. We love this little boy so much!!!